Sunday, December 17, 2006

My birthday

o.k. So it is not my birthday, even though I wish it was. Hey I don't mind getting older, every year of new wisdom is greatly appreciated. Even though my friends Chris and Jenson (both of whom are over 31) say that women over 30 are pushy and desperate to get married...I hate stereotypes!!! Enough of that tangent. This post is about my birthday and not the insecurities of older males who think that only young women (19-20) will like them because older women (whom they admit are more interesting to talk to) have higher standards. O.K so I am a little worried at this point that I may have offended some of the young female population. Just so you know I adore women of all ages and with that being said my standards have definitely risen with age-so no harm meant by my comment. O.K so enough of the ranting-back to my birthday.
I was a little embarrassed when someone asked me the day of my birth. I told them I was born April 1st 1974 (32 and proud). They asked me the history of April Fools' Day (remember the apostrophe always follows the "s") or also commonly known as All Fools' Day. Her question stopped me in my tracks. I had no idea how the holiday started and worse yet I had no excuse for not knowing. I have had 32 years give or take to find out. A little help from my friends. If you know of the origin or have a good explanation (I do not care if it is fictional as long as I can make people laugh when I repeat it) please write it down! Gracias ciao!!

December 18 4:27pm (Central)
So this is the next day and I have been reflecting on my self righteous statements. Some of the most interesting people I have met are very young. Recently I randomly met this kid (16) at a cafe- his concept of life, self confidence and desire to talk about possibility was admirable. I am still searching for these ideas. I also believe that standards may not change with age- otherwise we would not find ourselves always dating the same individual- My younger sister could possibly have higher standards than me, but this could be debated (you should call me tara). Anyway whenever I try to be disagreeable my humanistic side takes over, this is a plus and definately a minus. I do acknowledge my ranting about stereotypes and defending my position with numerous stereotypes of my own. So I just wanted to follow up with these thoughts by trying to stay committed the LOVE.


Darby said...

Hey Michelle, let me just start off by saying I am not offended at all by your young women comment. I thought it was very entertaining. Plus, it's hard to offend Dal and me anyway. Do you know who my dad is? Anywho, here's a link to check out the origin of April Fools' Day. Happy reading.

TRIBU said...

Darby, you are young in age with wisdom beyond your years- excellent combination. How is your dad and is he volunteering for WBR?

Tara said...

I'm calling you, but no answer!!!
Por que??

Joel Jarrard said...

That kid at the cafe was pretty wise for his age, I admit. Coincidentally, a couple of days later, someone else was talking about K2 (that Christian church he was touting). Strange that I had never heard of it until then, and then heard about it again from someone else a couple of days later.

Maybe the universe is trying to tell me something? Then again, maybe not.

Have a Merry Christmas and stuff.


MamaBawden said...

You have quite a history regarding your birthday. Thanks for the post and the link--love to learn new things.