Sunday, August 17, 2008

A love story

I saw the new X-Files movie with Marlies tonight. We had our complaints about the movie but I still loved the story. I must admit in another lifetime, the lifetime when I actually owned a television, I was an X-file junkie so, my heart smiled when I heard the theme music and saw old familiar faces on the big screen. It sort of felt like a surreal reunion. The movie was more than just a nostalgic trip, it was the perfect love story. Scully and Mulder (who are still an item!!) join together to demonstrate an amazing union of two people that allow freedom.  A relationship without compromise that allows the other to chase the desires of the heart. Like any relationship moments of misunderstanding arose but in the end love pulled through and they found a way to say, I can not accompany you now but I support you not giving up because that would be turning away from what instinctually guides you and to deny that would be denying love. OK so I have added my own twisted interpretation to the meaning of the movie and maybe it is a little sappy. Sometimes life needs a little more sap. It is ironic that on the way to the movie Mars and I discussed the struggles and benefits of being in romantic relationships and how the words compromise and committed relationship are always mistaken for synonyms. I remember thinking that at this point in my life I would rather stay single than give up my joy by compromising who I am so that I can fit into the idea of a relationship. Which could be a good clue as to why I am still single.  
After leaving the theatre I was inspired! I do believe in my heart that it is possible to love and be loved with healthy boundaries while being in a relationship, without compromise. I am unsure if my beliefs put me in the minority.  Maybe I am an idealist rather than a realist but I like the ideas that come from this point of view. I know it was just a film, but what I see whether it be a hollywood fabrication or the action on the street inspires my imagination. It is from the imagination that I create my reality, from the things that inspire me. Who knew I would be so inspired by an xtra long episode of the x-files! Thanks Spotnitz and Carter, you make me want to Believe!


Tara said...

My opinion on the compromise of love, is that it's not all that big of a compromise if you look at it in the proper light. I think that in the same way that you change a little with each person you meet (b/c we do), when you love someone, that person becomes a part of you and you a part of them...not meaning that you have to become a completely different person, but you change a bit. I look at myself with tyler and i'm a much better person with him (good change!). I'm definitely not a guru of love, but i'm in love and i don't feel that i'm having to compromise my life a great deal...or maybe i'm happy to b/c of how i feel about Ty??? Who knows?
Love you! Great post!

TRIBU said...

Hey Guru I could not agree more. If you change the little things because it adds more sweetness to the relationship then is it really called compromise?? It is all about spreading the sap;) I love you too!!

Anonymous said...

ust this past week I was talking about you and the Temescale and the rising sun you and I saw after midnight out in the mexican desert.... what do we do with such things?? I allow them to remind me about the unknown unknown.... so much I don't have awareness of, so much beautiful mystery, and how cool, how comforting to share it with someone... so we look at each other with our jaws dropped ... "what was that?!" I don't know, but we both saw it, experienced it, so I will simply hold it for the treasure that it is. Life is full of mystery and
beauty and I am glad for it.... glad to be in it and sharing it. man -- i've done it a different way, full of struggle and disbelief..."waiting for the other shoe to drop" mistrust and resistance. I came to that lens and belief honestly enough --- now I am just so GRATEFUL to not be having a relationship with life in that way anymore. I am grateful for the "sap"!! It is the stuff teeming with life :)
Stay in touch...

Anonymous said...

Hola Sappy McSapters,

I heard someone say once, (or did i read it somewhere?) that in the grand tree of life Sap is the spirit that runs through the tree producing wonderful fruit at the end of a branch full of leaves, visited by birdies and butterflies... Ok, i am exaggerating, embelishing, a lot, but isn´t it true that love runs though us all! I am glad to know that i am still connected to you, mitch, with the real sticky icky sappy love that surrounds us always.

HOping to observe and realize the relationship of love with everything,

p.s. no tienes facebook, guey?? tienes myspace o algo?

MamaBawden said...

Oh, this is so exciting that you've decided to blog again, Michele!!! I've missed your posts. You do have a natural gift that allows you to beautifully express your inner feelings. For the benefit to those of us who don't do so well in that department but (I can't think of the word I want---how frustrating!!) live through others' amazing commentaries of their own experiences, please keep blogging. Love is powerful--the more you give, the more you receive. Right now I'm loving the rain that's falling, and the darkened sky, and the rumbling thunder, and I feel God's presence as he showers the earth with His love.

Thanks for sharing your love--it has brightened my day.

Mom Missionary