Friday, March 28, 2008

For the ladies

After reading Succulent Wild Woman by SARK this morning I felt inspired to post what she has to say about power. If you have yet to experience her writing...I highly recommend making a visit to your local library.

You are a Powerful Woman!!
How does this feel? Do you embrace it or push it aside? The subject of power isn't explored very much or taught in schools, or even by parents. Luckily this is beginning to change.
People see me as a power-full woman, yet I don't see it myself, why? 
We are endowed with power by our very birth and then shrouded from the knowledge and acceptance of it. My mother is a power-full woman. When I comment on it, she laughs and says, "oh no, I'm not." 
What do we think power is?
I think we must study power and what it means to us as women.
Power means to me:
Standing strongly in your own center and living from your heart.
Truth-telling, wisdom and strength. How often do we think of Power?
Think of your women friends...identify the ones you consider power-full and why?
What qualities do they share?
How can we increase healthy power as women?
Consider: spiritual power, physical power, financial power, emotional power, psychic power, healing power, love power. 
In what ways are you power-full? In what ways do you feel less power-full? Do you think of power consciously. 
We need new definitions of power. It is not "power over" I'm interested in. I think that as women, we think that it isn't nice to talk about power, or we think of power as domination. Power needs to be for women.
It's time for us to create power, be visible power-fully and accept power. I envision a world full of power-full women, who know it and act from it. Imagine the miracles we can create!

When I think of the many women that are a daily part of my life or whom have shared themselves with me in the past...the image of powerless women does not come to mind. The women in my life all present power to me in one aspect or another.

When am I without power:
  •  At times I lose my power in my speech...coming from a culture that loves to apologize I have noticed that most often I am apologizing for myself. For just being me.
  • I lose my power when I turn away from the things I truly want in my life...and make excuses for why it isn't so.
  • I lose my power when I fail to recognize the common bond and love that we as women have with one another...something that happens naturally if I allow it to be.
  •  I lose my power when I fail to find the humor in everyday situations or when I am unable to laugh at myself :0

When am I most power-full:
  • When I speak my opinions without fear of offending or having others disagree
  • When I  listen 
  •  When I take care of myself 
  • When I forgive (myself and others)
  • When I give hugs;)
  • When I embrace the sway of my hips and experience the joy of being a woman.
  • When I love

I also feel powerful because I can keep posting regardless of whether anyone visits....if I write they will come!!

When are you powerful?

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