Wednesday, November 22, 2006

One More Chance

I am dipping my toes into the hot pools once more. This addiction may endanger my life but life is about living, no? So I am leaving for Lava Hot Springs once again to try my luck with Lady Staph. For further information please refer to earlier posting titled Staff for Hire. Everything will be fine and I will return healthy.

Enjoy your weekend and I will see everyone very soon!


MamaBawden said...

Have to admit I was worried about the Lava Hot Springs visit==last episode was down right frightening! You must realize by now, though, that mamabawden supports you in your choices. Glad you are home, that you had a great time, and there's no sign of Lady Staph.

I am very thankful that you could come home for Thanksgiving.

Darby said...


I too am thankful you made it home for Thanksgiving. It was good to see you and hang out a little bit. I hope the LHS were good to you this time around. Good luck with school and study hard for the finals. Have a great time in MC!