Wednesday, November 22, 2006

One More Chance

I am dipping my toes into the hot pools once more. This addiction may endanger my life but life is about living, no? So I am leaving for Lava Hot Springs once again to try my luck with Lady Staph. For further information please refer to earlier posting titled Staff for Hire. Everything will be fine and I will return healthy.

Enjoy your weekend and I will see everyone very soon!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Lions and tigers and donkeys oh my

Got outta the city last week. Went to the lake Tahoe of Mexico City. This is where all of the wealthy visit on the weekends. Interestingly, many indigenous people populate this small city (57,000 pop). It was beautiful and muy tranquil! Little did we know that we would be visiting during the all souls festival. There was a large stage set up and bands from all over (U.S. and Mexico) entertaining day and night. It was a great weekend and only 2 hours away by bus ($6 U.S. each way) so i will definitely go again. Enjoy the pics. The one of me is not the most flattering (and no I am not standing next to a donkey or near a turkey) but for those of you suffering from Michele withdrawal I am hoping the picture will help.
Hey ya'll, I will be in SLC Nov- 24 so hopefully we will get together.